Jaipur, 05 July. On Wednesday, 82-year-old Nanak Ram’s eyes lit up at the Jaipur District Collectorate when he received the certificate of Indian citizenship after waiting for many years. District Collector Prakash Rajpurohit handed over citizenship certificates to 14 Pakistani migrants including Nanak Ram.
After receiving the citizenship certificate, Mahesh Kumar thanked the district administration and said that his long wait of many years is over and now he can proudly say that he is an Indian. At the same time, Prithviraj said that the economic condition of the house is not good. Due to lack of proof of citizenship, they were not able to get the benefits of government schemes, but now after getting Indian citizenship, not only they have got recognition, but with the help of government schemes, they will be able to maintain their family in a better way.
On this occasion, the District Collector congratulated all the Pakistani migrants who got Indian citizenship and said that the district administration issues certificates on priority by taking action on the applications for citizenship so that the applicant does not face any problems.
During this, Additional District Collector (South) Mohammad Abubakr was also present.