Bharat Internet Utsav launched to celebrate Power of Internet

 New Delhi, July 7 Internet has emerged as an indispensable tool for connectivity, knowledge-sharing and socio-economic development. Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has taken various steps to ensure affordable and high-quality internet in various parts of the country, especially in remote and commercially unviable areas to the citizens through Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). Various…

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Change in date of Event

Rajiv Gandhi Rural and Urban Olympics – 2023  Jaipur, July 08 The date of organizing Rajiv Gandhi Rural and Urban Olympics – 2023 has been changed. Now these games will start on August 5, 2023. Earlier this date was fixed as July 10, 2023. Government Secretary, Sports Department Naresh Kumar Thakral said that keeping…

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Orgy of Rain and the drowning cities & villages

Incessant monsoon rains have lashed North India. Hindi-speaking states including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Himachal, and Rajasthan Pradesh have become flood-like situations. Record-breaking monsoon rains have shaken the situation in North India. Incidents of landslides are also happening in the mountains. According to meteorologists, the trend of heavy rains is not going to change…

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