विधानसभा आम चुनाव- 2023

19 विधानसभा क्षेत्रों के लिए 03 दिसंबर को होगी मतगणना – तैयारियों को अंतिम रूप देने में जुटा जिला निर्वाचन कार्यालय – राजस्थान कॉलेज एवं कॉमर्स कॉलेज में सुबह 8 बजे से होगी मतगणना जयपुर,  28 नवम्बर 2023 विधानसभा चुनाव के तहत जयपुर जिले की 19 विधानसभा सीटों के लिए जेएलएन मार्ग स्थित राजस्थान कॉलेज…

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चीन में श्वसन रोग के मामले बढ़ने पर, अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिव ने की प्रदेश की स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं की समीक्षा

28 नवम्बर 2023  चीन में श्वसन रोग के मामलों में वृद्धि को देखते हुए चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य विभाग की अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिव श्रीमती शुभ्रा सिंह ने प्रदेश के चिकित्सा प्रबंधन को अलर्ट किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि भारत सरकार की ओर से जारी पत्र एवं उपलब्ध सूचनाओं के अनुसार अभी तक स्थिति चिंताजनक नहीं है,…

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The Endless Art: Tie-Dye

One of the oldest known tie-dying techniques is called bandhani. The name is derived from the Sanskrit word “bandh,” which means to bind or tie. It originated in what is now Western India some 4,000-6,000 years ago. The process involves using your fingernails (or, more recently, a metal ring with a specially-designed point) to pluck…

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Keshav Handicrafts

Committed to delivering high-quality Traditional Textiles, Embroidery, Bags, Rugs, Cotton, Woolen, Jute, Hamp products Keshav Handmade Embroidery and Lather Craft, near Hotel Rohetgarh Village post-Rohat, district -Pali based company engaged in the reputed manufacture and export of high-quality and impressively priced Traditional Textiles, Embroidered Bed Covers, Cushion Covers, Bags, Rugs, Cotton, Woolen, Jute, Hamp, etc….

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Changing the face of culinary arts

A chef’s duties include preparing meals for customers as well as overseeing a restaurant’s full kitchen and wait staff. In a restaurant setting, chefs are members of the kitchen as well as managers for other members of the restaurant staff. Chef Megh Singh, Executive Chef – Surya Garh Jaisalmer is working in the hotel industry…

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‘Food is Culture’ for Executive Chef Sebastian La Rocca

La Rocca’s Argentinian roots and international training will influence three of the hotel’s new dining experiences] Executive Chef Sebastian La Rocca shares his story as Hilton readies to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15-Oct. 15. This period is observed in the U.S. as an opportunity to celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions…

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WelcomHeritage Cheetahgarh Resort & Spa

This resort is surrounded by the Aravalli Range, an eroded stub of ancient mountains, one of the oldest and longest ranges of Fold Mountains in India. The idea is to capture the local heritage, practices, and culture in décor, food, and other allied activities. Is a luxury retreat of peace spread across 20 acres of…

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