Foreign tourists also liked Indira Rasoi’s plate

Tourists are impressed by the taste, nutrition, and quality of food

More than 13 crores 4 lakh plates served in 992 kitchens

19-June-2023, 12:53 PM

Jaipur, 19 June. Apart from feeding the poor and needy, the Indira Rasoi, operated in all the municipal bodies of the state, is now being liked by domestic and foreign tourists as well and they do not get tired of praising the taste, nutrition, and quality of the food served here. Under the Indira, RasoiYojana started with Chief Minister  Ashok Gehlot’s resolution of ‘No one hungry, no one sleeps’, full nutritious food is available for just Rs 8. So far, more than 13 crore 4 lakh thalis have been served across the state.

Mauritius’s Anuradha felt like home food

Anuradhapura, a foreign tourist who came from Mauritius to Jaipur, told that she had earlier eaten food in the hotel, but while visiting Jalmahal, she saw the board of Indira Rasoi. When Anuradha had food at Indira Rasoi, she found the food here to be nutritious and taste like home. He told that he was surprised to get a full meal for just Rs.8 and was happy to know that this kitchen is proving to be helpful for the poor and wage earners to feed themselves with dignity. Anuradha said that even after spending thousands of rupees, sometimes good food is not available when they go on a trip. But Rajasthan is the only state, which is providing nutritious food to all people for just Rs.8.

Welcome with the spirit of ‘AtithiDevoBhava’

Mrs. Monika Gupta, director of the Indira Gandhi Rasoi run by the Heinemann Charitable Mission Society at Jalmahal, said that it is our endeavor to follow the tradition of ‘AtithiDevoBhava’ and feed everyone who comes to the kitchen with respect. Now foreign tourists are also liking the food here, which is a matter of pride for Rajasthan.

The popularity of chefs growing with the number

Indira RasoiYojana was launched by Chief Minister  Ashok Gehlot in August-2020 through 358 cooks in all the urban bodies of the state. Due to the increasing popularity of Rasoi, their number was increased and at present 992 Rasoi are successfully operating in the urban area. According to the budget announcement 2023-24, it is proposed to open one thousand kitchens in rural areas as well.

Special focus on nutrition and quality

Special care is taken for the quality of the food in the kitchen. Mainly, 100 grams of pulses, 100 grams of vegetables, 250 grams of chapati, and pickles have been included per plate so that the common man can get a balanced diet. Insisting on maintaining quality, Chief Minister  Ashok Gehlot has also visited these kitchens from time to time and himself takes food from them. Along with this, he has also instructed the ministers-officers in charge to check the food served in these kitchens from time to time and have food once a month.

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