Jaipur, 4 July. Chief Secretary Smt. Usha Sharma reviewed the preparations regarding the proposed visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Bikaner on July 8 in a meeting held in the committee room of the Government Secretariat on Tuesday. He instructed all concerned officers to ensure necessary arrangements with mutual coordination in this regard.
The Chief Secretary reviewed the preparations through video conferencing with the Bikaner Divisional Commissioner, Inspector General of Police, District Collector and Superintendent of Police, and other officers.
In the meeting Director General of Police Umesh Mishra, Chief Government Secretary, Energy Bhaskar Sawant, Chief Government Secretary Sanivi Vaibhav Galaria, Government Secretary of Finance (Expenditure) Naresh Thakral, Managing Director, RTDC Vijay Pal Singh, Director, Information and Public Relations Department Purushottam Sharma and senior officers of other departments were also present.