Parallel to the Jaipur Literature Festival, Jaipur Bookmark is ready for its 11th edition. It brings together renowned publishers, literary agents, editors, translators, and booksellers under one roof. According to JLF Co-Director Namita Gokhale, Jaipur Bookmark is committed to contributing to the publishing sector. The best speakers and conscious listeners from across the country and the world will participate in this edition of 2024. During this time, our Rights Catalog will also be launched, which will strengthen our efforts to integrate translation and world literature. According to Manisha Chaudhary, Director of Jaipur Bookmark, in Jaipur Bookmark 2024, mainstream publishers, publishers of indigenous and foreign languages along with experts from the publishing world will stand shoulder to shoulder with each other. We aim to mix book with business in these five days.
The Jaipur Bookmark Rights Catalog will be launched during this period, including fifty titles in five languages. This catalog will include books in Indian languages and English published by various publishers, the rights of which will be available for sale. This catalog will contain important information related to books such as book cover, blurb, author description, translator, page number, and details of available rights. This will include future-looking sessions such as AI and publishing, podcasts, and the growing convergence of publishing and OTT; The achievements and new records of the publication will be discussed which will inspire the new generation. There will also be sessions on educational publishing, unheard dictionary stories, and children’s picture books. Jaipur Bookmark will also host publishers from Germany, Spain, Nigeria, Maldives, Mauritius, the USA, and the UK, who will explore cross-border business opportunities.